Philips CPAP


ABOUT CPAP Sleep apnea is a frequent disorder in which a person’s breathing can become extremely shallow or even cease completely while they are asleep. This can result in a variety of health issues, such as headaches, tiredness, hypertension, heart attacks, and stroke. 

The most common method of treatment for sleep apnea is CPAP therapy. A machine provides positive airflow through a mask placed over the nose and mouth during CPAP therapy.

The conventional therapy for obstructive sleep apnea is a CPAP machine, which may frequently reverse its effects.

Philips is facing a deluge of lawsuits from CPAP users who allege that the malfunctioning equipment had a negative impact on their health. For the purpose of consolidating the CPAP recall product liability claims, a new “class-action” has been created. The MDL class action offers victims a very simple way to file a CPAP lawsuit.

Every DreamStation CPAP and BiPAP device made by Philips uses a unique kind of PE-PUR polyester polyurethane foam. The PE-PUR foam is utilised as soundproofing to quiet down the operation of DreamStation CPAP machines. 



A large-scale safety recall of 14 CPAP and BiPAP breathing machine types, including the DreamStation range, was officially disclosed by Philips.

Philips claims that the discovery that the PE-PUR sound foam in the devices may degrade and be breathed or eaten by users led to the 2021 CPAP recall. Volatile organic chemicals (“VOCs”) found in PE-PUR foam are hazardous to internal organs and can cause cancer.

Polyester polyurethane, which makes up PE-PUR foam, may be quickly degraded by heat, sunshine, moisture, microbial attack, fungal attack, and even oxygen. You run a higher risk with this recall if, for instance, your equipment was exposed to excessive humidity or temperatures.

Philips Respironics easily accepts that CPAP users’ inhalation of PE-PUR foam might result in significant, potentially fatal respiratory system harm.


The foam in these CPAP devices emits dangerous substances, including, Philips has already admitted this.

  • Diamine Toluene
  • Disocyanate Of Diethylene Glycol And Toluene 


According to Philips, breathing or eating PE-PUR foam poses the following health risks:

  • Inflammation And Irritation Of The Airways (Particularly Acute In Patients With Underlying Lung Or Cardiopulmonary Conditions)
  • Dizziness And Headaches
  • Sinus Infection With Chest Pain
  • Carcinogenic And Toxic Consequences
  • Liver, Kidney, And Other Organs Are Harmed. 



There is evidence that Philips was fully aware of the health dangers and flaws linked with the PE-PUR foam and neglected to tell users, therefore CPAP recall lawsuits are anticipated to follow.

According to the CPAP complaint, recalled machines have polyurethane foam with a polyester foundation that might breakdown or release gases under specific conditions, such as when cleaned with ozone or in situations with high humidity and high temperatures.

This puts CPAP users at risk for a variety of illnesses, such as different inflammatory reactions, headaches, asthma, damaging to essential organs, and harmful carcinogenic consequences, such as cancer. 



  • People Who Satisfy The Following Fundamental Requirements Are Eligible To File A Philips CPAP Lawsuit:

You spent at least six months or more using a CPAP, BiPAP, or other Philips sleep apnea machine that has been recalled.

the following devices’ serial numbers, which were produced between 2009 and April 26, 2021:

  • DreamStation (ASV, ST, AVAPS, CPAP, Auto CPAP, BiPAP)
  • GO DreamStation (CPAP, APAP)
  • SystemOne C Series (ASV, S/T, And AVAPS) (ASV4)
  • 400,500 OmniLab Advanced Plus Dorma (CPAP)
  • AutoREMStar SE (CPAP)
  • A-Series Trilogy 100 And 200 BiPAP V30 (Auto)
  • Not Available In The United States: Garbin Plus, Aeris, LifeVent A-Series BiPAP A40, And A30 A-Series BiPAP Hybrid (A30).
  • E30 (Emergency Use Authorization) 

You experienced any of the following negative health problems after using the recalled CPAP machine for at least 6 months:

Cancers or Diagnoses May Be Subject to a CPAP Recall Lawsuit

  • Severe Kidney Damage (AKI)
  • Severe Liver Damage
  • Brain Tumour
  • Urethral Cancer
  • Those Under 40 With Breast Cancer
  • Persistent Asthma
  • Persistent Bronchitis
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Carcinoma Of The Blood Cells (Immune Cell)
  • Carcinoma Of The Hypopharynx
  • Idiopathic Pulmonary Disease (ILD)
  • Renal Cancer
  • Throat Cancer
  • (Including Non- Hodgkin’s) Lymphatic Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Liver Tumour
  • Liver Illness (Acute Liver Injury Only)
  • Chest Cancer
  • A Number Of Myeloma
  • Leukemia Myeloid
  • Throat Cancer
  • Carcinoma Of The Nasopharynx
  • Carcinoma Of The Oropharynx
  • Papilloma Cancer
  • Carcinoma Of The Paranasal Sinus
  • Patients Under 50 With Prostate Cancer
  • Thoracic Fibrosis
  • Colon Cancer
  • Ongoing Pneumonia (4 Or More Times In One Year)
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Lung Scarring
  • Persistent Or Severe Asthma
  • Nasal Cancer
  • A Soft Palate Cancer
  • Belly Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Mouth Cancer
  • Thyrotoxic Cancer
  • Throat Cancer  

Philips recalled all CPAP and BiPAP sleep apnea equipment produced before to 2020. These include names like REMStar and DreamStation.